Lo Que Construimos Lyrics
If you are looking for the best Lo Que Construimos lyrics, then you’ve come to the right place! This song is performed by Natalia Lafourcade and was released on her 2015 album, Hasta La Raiz. The lyrics are simple, but have many layers of meaning. In this article, you’ll learn the meaning behind Lo Que Construimos and learn how to sing it like a pro.
Lo que construimos se acabo
Lo que construimos se acabo is a new song by Natalia Lafourcade. The song was released in 2015 and was written by Natalia Lafourcade. This song has many meanings for me, and I hope you enjoy listening to it. We all need a little inspiration from time to time, and this song is sure to inspire you. If you like the song, be sure to check out her other works as well.
Fue solo nuestro
These are the lyrics for Fue solo nuestro, a popular song by Juan Gabriel. It was released on the album 10 Exitos in 1975. The song was written by Juan Gabriel and features the singer Natalia Lafourcade. The lyrics are a bit confusing, but you will soon learn about the song’s meaning. The song was first released in Brazil. Originally, it was sung by Enrique Iglesias.